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Item Motivation Results
Superconductive wire for nuclear fusion reactor Development of new product Participating nuclear fusion reactor development
Invar wire for high-voltage cable reinforcement Domestic production of materials Substitute for imported, high value-added products
Piston ring wire for automobile engines Domestic production of materials Substitute for imported products
OT steel wire for automobile engine valve springs Domestic production of materials Substitute for imported products
Low-hydrogen steel wire for optical telecommunication cable Domestic production of materials Substitute for imported products
Zn+AI ACSR product Development of new product Export
Superconductive chrome-plated wire for nuclear fusion reactor Development of new product Substitute for imported, high value-added products
New-structured steel cord for tire enhancement Development of new product Enhancement of technology and market finding
Stay-Cable for bridges Development of new product Substitute for imported products and export
UHT-grade ultrahigh strength steel cord Development of new product Development of high value-added products
Ultrahigh strength ultra fine wire Development of new product Development of high value-added products
Processing technology with omitted heat treatment Cost reduction Cost reduction and development of new technology
Processing technology with omitted heat treatment Cost reduction Cost reduction, development of new technology and manpower
Zinc-plated steel wire for bridges Development of new product Substitute for imported products and export
Plastic Filled Wire Rope Domestic production of materials Substitute for imported products and export
High strength thick wire rope Development of new product Substitute for imported products and export